At any given moment, hundreds of youth are homeless in Minnesota.


The State of Minnesota and the County foster care systems are responsible for hundreds of the state's youth. These kids, lost in the chaos of the foster care system, are wards of the state, meaning they are without parents.  No one to love and nurture them. No one to help them through difficult times. No one to cheer them on, or at the very least lighten their load.

  • There are currently over 800 children under state guardianship
  • 489 of these kids are in need of adoptive families immediately
  • 42 percent are 12-18 years old
  • 33 percent are 6-11 years old


Imagine a childhood with no memories of home.


The journey through foster care is one filled with fear and isolation.  


While in foster care, the child is stripped of anything familiar, and tossed into the unknown world of strange homes, social workers, and court dates. Some children have bounced between upwards of 20 homes.  Each and every time they are forced to move, their life collapses, anxiety arises, hope fades, and they fall further behind in their education. The system is failing them – and failing them terribly. 

At Nerheim, we believe there is a better way.


A place where the foster home revolving door stops.


At Nerheim, there is no more bouncing between foster homes, no more bleak future, and no more homelessness. The revolving door is permanently out-of-order. Kids who have felt tremendous hopelessness and disappointment are given the opportunity, and space, to start their lives anew. Nerheim not only provides the comfort, stability and love of a home, but the healing that such a stable environment enables.